The Music ofSören Jensen
News / 2022
10 December 2022

Fragments .1
New release, old material, by Howler.
A compilation of nine more or less historical tracks, all the way from a live performance in 2003 up to a brand new remix from the "Incursion" album. Also includes the only Christmas song I have ever made, and likely the only one ever.
8 August 2022
Continuing the journey begun with INCURSION, new Howler album INSURGENCE is released.
Six tracks of intrusive drones, wrecked rhythms, and annoying noises. Even some vocal agitation at the brink of extinction.

Available as cassette or download through Bandcamp.
9 May 2022

Back to basics - two cassettes with Howler recordings released. Also available as digital download on Bandcamp.
Emanations includes six tracks recorded during 2018-2019, previously only released at youtube.
Divinations is four (sound)tracks recorded during 2018, related to Kult: Divinity Lost role-playing game.
8 April 2022
Howler track Every Empire Must Fall is featured on compiltaion Ukraina from Kallkällan Recordings.
All profits from this compilation are donated to Médecins Sans Frontières and their efforts in and near Ukraina.