The Music ofSören Jensen
News / 2009
November 2009
A bunch of playlists added.
October 2009
New album with Howler is available and downloadable. Join the battle of the faceless tyrant.
Two dj-sets imminent: 2009.10.30 together with Magnus (Mr Jones Machine) at BodyBeat (the website is not updated, their Facebook group is more up to date). Expect various electronic and related alternative music. 2009.10.31 at Shocks vs Bassline Express, noise disco deluxe.
September 2009
At 2009.09.12, Aktion Atopos will perform at a private celebration. Invitations only.
New Howler album in the pipe, expected to be released this autumn.
Playlists for SyntHaket 4/6, SyntHaket 7" and SyntHaket BeNeLux added.
April 2009
Added audio archives for Awful Death, J. F. A. and L. C. D. P. F..
New Interact, album online, Innervoice. Available as archive and as separate tracks.
Playlist from IckeSyntHaket 2009.04.16 is up.
Added a module for my old pop/rock band Nancy, and added zipified downloads of entire albums for Howler and Interact.
On 2009.04.16, me and Helmstad will be in control of the turntables at SyntHaket, playing all those good things that normally isn't played at similar events.